

tisdag, juli 3

Hide what your thinking.

Thats whats almost every people try to do, try to hide what they rellay feel inside. Yes that is someting you do if you dont know the persen or if it someting that is really personal. But then it is people like you who feel in one way and show another. But not becuse it hurt to tell the trut but becuse you whant to be proad and dont show that you really are weak. Okay maby you dont love me but you still care and i can tell it even if we dont speak that mutch anymore. Like when my friend talk to you and you asked if she was with me, and she wasent so you started to ask were i were and when she said that i was in an other city at a party you suddenly changed you way of talking. I know you care and if it is so hard for you to show that to me whay do you even talk about me to people that know me to. I care about you even if we dont date anymore. But the diffrent beteen us is that im not to prod to show it. You are a wonderful persen in your ways but then you have a side that i dident se before now. And i dont like it. You know even if im at a party dosent it mean that im with someone else i still love you i do so i promes that i will respekt you and wait. but the question is if you will respekt my feelings to. Becuse even if you and me are`t we anymore we still care and we still have someting but just not the same as it was before you run away. And that isn`t someting that i think to make me feel better that s someting you and I show but in different ways of doing it.

// karolin

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